Changes at Bradford Bead Shop
What glorious weather it is today.
We have quite a few changes at the shop over the next few weeks.
We hope to add an additional day to our opening times in June. The plan is to add a Tuesday to our existing opening time.
So the new opening times would be :-
Tues (hours to be confirmed)
Wed-Fri (11-5pm)
Sat (10-4.30pm).
Confirmation of once addition day is in action, and the working hors of this additional day, will be giving on the Contacts page of our website and Facebook page, and also an email to all those on our Newsletter Mailing List
The new 'natural' lighting has been fitted at the shop, so that when you are buying your beads, you can see exactly what they will look like out in the natural light. Plus it has also made it lovely to sit in while I craft and design at the shop, as it feels like I have sky lights with sunlight coming though, how lovely.
I have just completed the design and printing of our new information cards, which guide you on seed bead sizing, wire sizing and round bead sizing. The card gives you a visual guide, with accurate size images to compare your beads and wire to.
(These cards are also available to use while you shop, all you have to do is ask for one at the till before you start filling your basket.)
We also have some great new tools available in our online shop and at our shop on Oxford Place in Bradford. (E.g. wire chain draw plates, ring mandrels, ring sizers, beading glue, beading boards and wire rounders)